Saturday, February 25, 2012

It seems that some Afghan prisoners of war have been scribbling in their Korans secret messages and such,  and their Korans were subsequently burned.....

So the local representatives of the "Religion of Peace"  have been rioting and killing,  the way any peaceful people do.

I was all in when George Bush invaded Afghanistan,  but here we are 10 years later,  and we still have neither civilized the Afghans,  nor established a military government.

OBL is dead,  and I hasten to point out that he was found in Pakistan in a city known as a retirement spot for Pakistani military officers.

Can someone tell me WHAT national interest we are furthering, by spending more money and lives in Afghanistan?

If we are not going to turn Afghanistan into radioactive glass,  how about we just leave those savages to their own devices?

I don't see that Afghanistan is worth another Billion dollars,  or one more American life.