Saturday, February 25, 2012

It seems that some Afghan prisoners of war have been scribbling in their Korans secret messages and such,  and their Korans were subsequently burned.....

So the local representatives of the "Religion of Peace"  have been rioting and killing,  the way any peaceful people do.

I was all in when George Bush invaded Afghanistan,  but here we are 10 years later,  and we still have neither civilized the Afghans,  nor established a military government.

OBL is dead,  and I hasten to point out that he was found in Pakistan in a city known as a retirement spot for Pakistani military officers.

Can someone tell me WHAT national interest we are furthering, by spending more money and lives in Afghanistan?

If we are not going to turn Afghanistan into radioactive glass,  how about we just leave those savages to their own devices?

I don't see that Afghanistan is worth another Billion dollars,  or one more American life.

Monday, January 30, 2012

A few months ago, I watched a documentary on the Helvetica font.
Rather interesting,  worth a watching.

I believe the title is, HELVETICA. 
Link here

I could comment about political news...not today.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bad Moon Rising

I've had a lot of changes in my life for  the last couple years.

I have been helping my sister deal with health troubles for  two years.
I have scarcely seen my house (no longer my HOME!) in two years.
I assume it's still there.  I'm still paying utilities....

My great aunt passed away in 2010,  and so did my uncles wife.

My relations have gotten very thin on the ground.

My friend known as Annie 451 passed away in July 2011,  and I will miss her.
She was just about the smartest person I ever knew.
Much love and regards to her family.  Keep in touch!

I'm in the process of moving to Texas, and will live with my sister and family.
I've been a hermit long enough.

Last year I was hoping that Sarah Palin would be running for president,  but I have to assume that the polls,  financial support, and overall bullshit  convinced her not to.   Best wishes to her though.

I am totally disgusted with the GOP presidential contestants this year. (every damn time!)

I will not be voting for Romney NO MATTER WHAT!

 Voting for Newt is very iffy.  Never liked that duplicitous bastard.

Ron Paul?  Santorum?
Go fuck yourselves.

Obama, is IMNSHO, the worst president ever.  Jimmy Carter could beat him.....

But the party of STUPID is determined to run Romney, or (stealth non-romney) Newt Gingrich,
and I will be shocked if President Ogabe is not re-elected in November.

Even if Obama is defeated, what will be accomplished?

A repeal of Obamacare?  A correction of the unconstitutional takeover of GM and Chrysler?
A repeal of the Patriot act?  Defunding of TSA?  A special prosecutor to  investigate and prosecute Obama and Holder in the Fast and Furious  conspiracy which funneled at least 2000 guns to Mexico's drug cartels and has resulted in hundreds of murders on both sides of the border?

It is to laugh.

Will government shrink? Will spending be reduced?  Will Congress vote on a fucking budget?

OK, will anything less than 80% of the incumbent criminals in Congress be re-elected?!

Unless you are hopelessly naive, or irretrievably stupid, I think you are smart enough to realize that
none of these things are likely.

The US debt is already exceeding a year's GDP.  When the world stops buying US government debt,  we will discover what  a great depression really is.   (1929-1942 is NOTHING)

We have heard the term tipping point for several years,  and folks,  we are already past it.

You can disbelieve this if you choose,  but we are heading for a major crash.

Do you notice how abundant zombie movies, and apocalyptic movies or series are these days?
Even people who don't pay attention to much can practically smell the decline.

Ben Stein's father, an economist,  once said that what cannot go on forever, must eventually stop.
That seems so obvious, but we live as though we will escape consequences indefinitely and stick our grandchildren with the bill.

Can government deficit spending go on forever?  Will China, India,  the oil rich states just keep buying more US debt, indefinitely?  When we gut our military spending to service our escalating debt,  and keep raising our debt to pay the welfare,  and medicare class,  HOW LONG CAN THIS GO ON?

Some people think that disaster can be averted by voting out Obama,  but Obama is not the cause of this mess,  he is the predictable result of a corrupted system,  tolerated by a corrupt electorate.

We got fat, and lazy, and stupid.
Such a people do not remain prosperous and free.

Our grandparents and parents allowed the Marxists, and Nihilists, and traitors to take over our educational system, and our popular culture,  and the "tipping point" is past.

Have you ever sat on a chair and tried to balance on the back two legs?
It is in fact possible to recover when you have passed the tipping point,  but it requires a rather quick and violent manoever.  It's not even  remotely possible when you are on the way onto your back.

There are BAD times coming.

We are past the time for investing in Gold or Silver.
I'm investing in steel, brass, lead,  and MREs.

I expect to see widespread riots in American cities,  and martial law.